Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Stop Panic Attacks

by: Michael Logan

Anxiety is on the rise and more people are seeking ways to stop panic attacks without having to rely on prescription medications. Some of the most popular solutions are mental strategies and natural (herbal) medications.

A panic attack is a very real physical ailment. Most people want you to believe it's all in your head, but there are physical symptoms that accompany these episodes. Adrenaline floods your bloodstream and a wave of fear overcomes you.

Your body reacts to the adrenaline by increasing blood supply, which makes you feel your heart pounding, your face and body flush, and more. Your mind has to stop the flow of adrenaline in order for the physical symptoms to subside. You have to find a way to control your mind during these episodes or prevent it from occurring completely.

First, you have to relax. Easier said than done when you're going through a panic attack, right? But to stop panic attacks, you must get your mind and body to a more relaxed state. Deep breathing will help with this.

Some people control panic attacks completely with deep breathing techniques. Try to focus your mind on the reality of the situation - that it's only a panic attack - nothing more serious.

Breathe as slowly as possible - inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Some people are able to hold the inhaled breath for a couple of seconds, which helps to calm your body and mind.

Second, you have to talk yourself through this episode. Your mind is trying to tell you that death is imminent, that the worst is about to happen. Without publicly making a scene, close your eyes (if possible) and tell yourself that this is not an emergency - that you are not going to panic and that you will remain calm.

Continue with the self talk. Most panic attack sufferers keep repeating panicked statements during these episodes. Replace those with something positive. Repeat the reality of the situation to yourself. Instead of, "My heart is about to explode," say, "I'm only having a surge of adrenaline that's making my heart beat faster and it will stop as soon as I calm down."

Take precautionary measures that allow you to have proof that everything's okay. For instance, meet with your doctor to ensure that your heart is healthy. That way, when you're having a panic attack and fear that you're having a heart attack, you can tell yourself, "My doctor said my heart is fine - this is only a panic attack."

You can stop panic attacks with ease if you learn to work through them. Your mind has a lot of power in controlling these episodes but it's up to you to learn how to master the techniques that keep anxiety at bay.

The one thing that nobody tells you is that your thoughts and the feelings that follow them happen very rapidly.

Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi, Ph.D. in his bood FLOW reports that the Central Nervous System (CNS) processes sensory data, which means sounds like tone of voice and visual data like facial expressions in packets of seven bits of data and the shortest amount of time between packets of data is 1/18th second.

It takes us 1/10th second to blink our eyes.

Paul Ekman, Ph.D., who has studied facial expressions for 25 years of so, says that we can respond to a very subtle change in expression in 1/25th second, so it is no wonder that a panic attack feels overwhelming.

It feels like it comes on with no warning.

The good news is that you have handled sudden changes in feelings and thinking tens of thousands of time.

The bad news is that it doesn't take too many breakdowns in capturing and changing strong emotions for the process to become a habit, so I better have some deep breathing and pleasant thinking tools available for implementation within the heart beat if not the blink of an eye.

Luckily for us there are now some very powerful biofeedback technologies available for use to stop panic attacks.

One that I have used personally and professionally is heart rate variability biofeedback, which is a feel good tool I can use on any heart beat to move my heart rate into a coherent heart beat.

Heart rate variability biofeedback is based on recent discoveries about the heart's own nervous system that no one knew about 20 years ago.

The long and the short of it is that I can use both CBT and deep breathing with computerized feedback to learn a powerful tool to use when and if a panic attack strikes.

But there is more to heart rate variability biofeedback than just a tool to use in the face of a panic or anger emergency.

Heart rate variability biofeedack is a lifestyle tool that I can implement very frequently in short bursts to help in the anti-aging process, because it changes the hormonal bath inside my body and another very powerful impact is that it activates the higher perceptual centers in my brain for more effective decision making.

Not sure about you, but I like the idea of my brain making effective decisions rather than my emotions.

In fact, the brain fitness gurus are saying that stress management is a key piece of the neurogenesis and neuroplasticity landscape.

Neurogenesis means the growth on new neurons daily, and neuroplasticity describes how those new neurons link together when new learning takes place.

In fact, Alvaro Fernandez, the co-creator of the SharpBrains blog, says that heart rate variability is the best stress management tool on the market.

Well, there you have it, some great ideas and new tools for stopping panic attacks which can work heart beat by heart beat.

Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and a licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.


Monday, December 30, 2013

Stop Panic Attacks - Panic Attack Treatment

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Using Traditional Chinese Medicine For Panic Attacks

by: Ian Spencer

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is also very effective against panic attacks. The Chinese has combined the TCM with modern treatments, and many reported to have positive results. However, finding a qualified and professional TCM therapist is not easy, it might take some time before you find the one who will treat you right.

The information provided below is for reference only, please consult the profession before using.

Kava Kava

This is a very common herb, which is an excellent relaxant. The advantage of using this herb to fight anxiety is that it is extremely effective for reducing anxiety, especially those who suffer from mild to average anxiety levels. This is the reason Kava Kava is usually recommended for those who have stopped their anxiety medication, yet need a little handholding before they would be able to completely shake the problem off. Kava Kava would not help too much if your anxiety levels are very high, or are experiencing a panic attack.

It is also important that your medical practitioner knows if you are contemplating to use this herb side-by-side with anxiety medication. It is possible that you risk the danger of drug interaction if you do not do so. Kava Kava is nicknamed as ‘Natural Valium’ because it possesses almost all the qualities of this drug.

You will find if you care to look for information on the Net about Kava Kava, that some people claim that this herb is harmful to the liver. This is true, provided it is taken in excess or over very prolonged periods. The same is true with allopathic medicines, too. Therefore, though there are not many studies to approve of disapprove of this fact, Kava Kava is still considered the number one choice for the treatment and cure of mild anxiety.

St John’s Wort

Immediately next on the list of popularity as an anxiety herb is the St John’s Wort. According to history chronicles, in ancient times most civilizations (Aztecs, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Greeks, Romans, and so on) have used this wonderful herb to fight depression and chronic anxiety. The action of this herb is very similar to that of the SSRIs about which we discussed a little earlier. This increases the production and flow of serotonin to the brain, which in turn short-circuits the acute anxiety and/ or depression symptoms.

There are a few side effects when using St John’s Wort herb. Fortunately, all these are positive. This herb also cures muscle pain, digestive problems and hypertension all afflictions that are direct by-products of acute depression or anxiety attacks.

The studies conducted so far indicate that the negative side of the St John’s Wort is few. Among these dizziness and sudden dryness of mouth are worth mentioning. This herb is contraindicated for use by women who are on the birth control pill, as this reduces the pill’s efficacy. Other than this offshoot, everything else points to the fact that this herb is a good choice when anxiety and depression plague you.


Valerian is another herb preferred by many because of its fast action. This herb too treats both anxiety and depression in a similar manner as the SSRIs, only with better results. Though not as popular as the Kava Kava and St John’s Wort, Valerian is still well known and extensively used for the treatment of this particular affliction.


This herb is different from all other herbs used for the treatment of anxiety and depression for the fact that it not only increases the production and flow to the brain of two vital compounds: serotonin and dopamine (an action similar to the SSRIs), but also improves liver function and treats osteoarthritis. Some people reported slight nausea in the initial stages of use, which is the only side effect this wonder herb causes. Most people who have used SAM-e stated that they felt better within days from starting treatment.


Passionflower is an exceptional herb often publicized as one of the best-known natural sedatives. It is particularly useful for the treatment of anxiety and depression because it relaxes muscle tension, which is so common with these conditions while at the same time, leaves the mind and respiratory system unaffected. This herb is also used with great success for pain, nerve disorders, high blood pressure and heart palpitations – most of which are symptoms of anxiety. The best thing about Passionflower is that it not habit formative, which means there would be no withdrawal symptoms when its use is stopped.

There is only one downside to the use of Passionflower, especially if it is used in combination with other anxiety medication: it induces sleep. Used in excess you would experience confusion and mental fatigue.


Hope is a very effective herb used mostly to counter anxiety symptoms such as excitability, sleep disorders, restlessness, irritability, nervousness and the like. As a member of the hemp family, this herb is an excellent sedative. Before its property of being such an excellent tranquilizer was discovered, this herb was used to assist the brewing of beer and ale and for giving it a specific flavor.

Gingko Biloba

Gingko biloba is a very effective herb with applications for many disorders. It is used in the treatment of anxiety and depression because it enhances the blood circulation to the brain, clarity of thought, and power of concentration and improves short-term memory. For best results in the treatment of anxiety and depression, Gingko biloba is taken along with ginger, which is one other herb with tremendous anti-stress properties.

Vitamins and Minerals

It has been observed that the deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals such as the Vitamin B complex group and calcium, zinc and magnesium aggravates the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It is not yet very clear whether depression causes their depletion, or their depletion causes depression. However, it is very encouraging to note that when these are taken as supplements and maintained at optimum levels, depression and anxiety symptoms reduce considerably.


Selenium is yet another compound the deficiency of which affects depression negatively. This compound can be assimilated from foods such as fennel seeds, liver, alfalfa, ginseng, garlic and so on. The advantage offered by this compound is that it is exceptionally effective in preventing heart problems as it counters bad cholesterol. The depletion of this compound from the body affects the mood; it keeps the person into a perpetual low feeling.


You would not find a more versatile herb in Nature. While in context with depression, this is an excellent sedative and sleep inducer, chamomile is also helpful in treating digestive disorders and circulatory problems. The coumarin, which is a natural anti-coagulant and blood thinner, is able to help people who have high blood pressure and plaque thickened arteries. Due to this property, its use is contra-indicated for about two weeks before and immediately after any surgery. This herb is commonly consumed as tea. Just a cup twice day can reduce anxiety symptoms and induce sleep almost instantly.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Stop The Intrusive Thoughts That Can Cause Anxiety And Panic Attacks

by: Pauline Smith

Anxiety comes from many different aspects... Alcoholism, Depression, Grief and Stress etc. Whatever the cause your mind is invaded by worrying and frightening thoughts. In order to control these thoughts, you first need to understand why they affect your lives so much. So how do you stop the intrusive thoughts that cause Anxiety and Panic Attack.

Understanding that it is not the the intrusive thoughts that are responsible for your despair is the one of the steps in overcoming Anxiety and panic attacks. It's the way you react to the thoughts that causes your mind and body to go into panic mode. Anyone who suffers from Anxiety and Panic Attacks know only to well how frightening that panic mode can be. I found it terrifying when I had a panic attack when I was out of the house, but found it extremely distressing when I found I wasn't even safe at home.

My home was my safe place and when I found out the anxiety intruder could invade my home..it left me felling pretty helpless. It's amazing how these intrusive thoughts can turn your life upside down and badly affect the wiring in your brain. I like to to compare the worrying thoughts the self esteem. Just like some people find it hard to except the positive words spoken to them, yet have no problems believing the negative things that people say to them.

It works very much the same with your thoughts, when you have negative or worrying thoughts, you tend to concentrate on them and not the positive and happy thoughts... and then so it goes... off into panic mode. The symptoms as frightening as they are can be controlled, it's just a matter of understanding your anxiety disorder and learning some coping skills to help you over come the fear that Anxiety brings on.

Learning to control our thoughts is another step towards beating Anxiety and Panic attacks. In my case I learned that these attacks couldn't hurt me, that was the hard part. I then learned that if I faced my thoughts and the things that made me anxious, I could take control again and not be crippled by my Anxiety Disorder. Anxiety can be overcome, sometimes in a very short time, for some people it might be a longer process but it's one you can overcome with a little help.

Pauline Smith has been living with panic attacks for years and wants to help others find freedom from these life changing disorders. Visit her free blog at http://manageinganxiety.blogspot.com for some great advice on controlling anxiety panic attacks.

Having Fun with Panic Attacks

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Overcoming Panic Attacks - Tips That Will Help You Regain Your Life

by: Greg Dason

Panic attacks can be excruciatingly distressing to live with. People suffering panic disorders or panic attacks have a tendency to duck any situation that involves what they see as a perceived danger. It could be meeting people, fear of taking a flight, fear of driving, fear of being abandoned etc.

These abrupt attacks of foreboding and fear are generally mistaken for nervous breakdowns or heart attacks by those experiencing them due to their overpowering symptoms.

Treatment is the very first thing you need to consider following your panic episode. Your mental fitness pro will advise medication, extended support, or will give you suggestions on how to cope with further panic attacks if you have them.

Many doctors will suggest support alone because some patients have medical reasons for not taking medication or because they don't need them in their situation.

I have been an ex-sufferer and in the due course of this article you will find the same system that helped me overcome my panic attacks and anxiety related issues.

People experiencing panic attacks experience varied symptoms ranging from severe nervousness, palpitations, sense of getting a cardiac arrest, choking sensations, blushing in the face, profuse sweating for example. Sadly , they don't cure the core issue of foreboding and just offer temporary relief from the physical bodily symptoms and gets you addicted in the middle.

As you treat panic attacks, it is vital to realise that panic attacks are caused when your mind perceives certain eventualities and events as potential dangers and triggers a flight/fight mechanism in the body. This ends in nervousness and all the other physical symptoms. It is common to experience a little bit of nervousness, but when these anxiety levels surpass a certain limit, it results in panic attacks or anxiety attacks with extraordinary physical sensations and phobia.

The primary step in overcoming panic attacks is to appreciate that it is a psychological condition and it has zilch to do with treating the physical sensations. You must now take possession for the fact that it's your responsibility to re-train your intellect into noticing them as safe eventualities and anytime a situation is to come by, it must be looked on as a blessed chance to overcome your panic fit.

It's not that tough to conquer your disorder if you just learn to identify the triggers. Once you have identified them, overcoming panic attacks becomes simple.

After you are under stress, these attacks will nearly for certain strike. So don't create pointless intense scenarios for yourself. For example, always carry out your jobs one at a time. Do not let them pile up as that will create a nerve-wrangling situation for you.

If you have experienced a panic fit formerly and you know what caused it, then you'll need to bypass the causes. It may be an individual, place or thing. If you know they have caused your panic anxiety disorder to react, dodge them.

Negative thinking puts the body under a disturbing environment. , treatment is kind of always worthless when your body is so tensed up. Then overcoming panic attacks may not be so difficult.

These are just some of the triggers of a panic anxiety disorder. There are a lot of other triggers.

So is there truly a secret for overcoming panic attacks quickly and effortlessly? Well, here's my secret. Avoid creating stressed scenarios for yourself, duck the causes of previous stressful situations and and dodge thinking adversely.

Further, you might already have noticed that almost all of the anxiety is caused by fear of a panic episode coming rather than the exact panic episode itself. Just the idea of a possible panic episode might send your body in shivers. Once you accept yourself for what you are with all the panic attacks and anxiety afflictions, you are just preparing to meet anxiety in its tracks.

There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you http://anxietycurestrategy.com/ FOREVER. Learn the proven steps on how you can regain your life by http://anxietycurestrategy.com/

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Learn How to Control Anxiety and Panic Attacks

by: Pauline Smith

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Anxiety is a life crippling disorder, often accompanied by panic attacks. Unless you have suffered from this disorder, it is very hard to understand just how debilitating this can be. The fear that arises from anxiety is very real to the individual that is suffering from it, but can seem very irrational to friends and family. It is very important to support sufferers of Anxiety Disorder, in order to make them feel like they are not alone or going crazy, because most of the time that's exactly how they feel. That fact is they are not crazy and need to be taken seriously.

Symptoms of Anxiety

At some time in all our lives we experience some form of anxiety, but for Anxiety Disorder sufferers anxiety is a part of their everyday life. There is a big difference between normal anxiety and Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks. Normal anxiety is what we feel when we are a bit anxious about something.. a job interview, or a doctor's appointment etc. With Anxiety disorder the symptoms are much more severe...such as difficulty controlling worry, Restlessness and being on edge, difficulty concentrating or mind blankness, irritability, social impairment and impairment in other major areas of functioning.

Panic Attack Symptoms

Anyone who has suffered from panic attacks will know they are absolutely terrifying, you literally feel like you are going to die. Some of the symptoms are accelerated heart beat, sweating, trembling or shaking, shortness of breath, chest pain or discomfort, feeling dizzy or unsteady, fear of losing control, upset stomach, chills or hot flushes, numbness and tingling and fear of dying. All very frightening and not fun to live with.

Statistics show that....

National Institutes of Health, 2005. NIH Publication No. 06-4584

* 6.8 million Americans have Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

* Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from all anxiety disorders combined.

* Approximately 6 million American adults ages 18 and older have panic disorder.

* Approximately 15 million American adults age 18 and over have social phobia.

* Approximately 19.2 million American adults age 18 and over have some type of specific phobia.

The statistics are very frightening, and with the worlds economic state the way it is, these statistics are bound to rise. There is no doubt times are tough and there are going to be a lot more cases of Depression worldwide, and depression can lead to anxiety and panic attacks.

There is good news is anxiety disorder and panic attacks don't have to be a part of your everyday life, there is no need to let these disorders cripple your lifestyle. I lived with both anxiety disorder and panic attacks for 12 years, but have learned how to control them and you can do the same. You will find a new found freedom as I did and will start enjoying life once again..there is help and it's not as hard as you may think.

Pauline Smith has been living with panic attacks for years and wants to help others find freedom from these life changing disorders. Visit her free blog at http://manageinganxiety.blogspot.com for some great advice on controlling anxiety panic attacks.

Pauline Smith has been living with panic attacks for years and wants to help others find freedom from these life changing disorders. Visit her free blog at http://manageinganxiety.blogspot.com for some great advice on controlling anxiety panic attacks.

Cure Anxiety Attacks Fast - Learn how to treat your panic and stress naturally

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Know the Cause of Your Panic Attacks

by: Dan DeLuca, CH

In order to begin to eliminate your panic, it's critical for you to be aware of what causes panic attacks. When you know what causes a panic attack, you can be prepared and alert to the signs and symptoms. Awareness is the first step to making any kind of change, for if you are not aware, then you can't change it.

What Is A Panic Attack?

A panic attack is an unforeseen surge of severe, overpowering anxiety and fear. Your heart may pound or it becomes difficult to breathe. You feel dizzy and sick to your stomach. You may even think like you're dying or going crazy. And the worst part of it is that panic attacks may occur any time, anywhere, unpredictably!

Panic is a Body-Mind Process

Although the exact causes of panic attacks and panic disorders are unclear, both the mind and the body are active in causing panic attacks.

Stressful life transitions such as getting married, having children, getting a job, etc. can cause panic attacks. The death of a loved one, a divorce, or job loss can also trigger panic attacks.

Panic attacks may have physiological roots. Some scientific investigation suggests the tendency to have panic attacks may be partially genetic, and studies with twins have shown the possibility of inheriting the panic disorder.

There also appears to be a relation with coming down with major illnesses and having panic attacks. An increase in the rate of panic attacks has been observed in some women when they are pregnant.

Possible Physical Causes of Panic Attacks

If you're noticing symptoms of panic (read about symptoms here: http://panicsolutions.info/symptoms-of-panic), it's important to visit a doctor to rule out the following physiological conditions as possible causes of panic attacks:

* Mitral valve prolapse, a minor cardiac problem that occurs when one of the heart's valves doesn't close properly
* Hyperthyroidism
* Hypoglycemia
* Stimulant use (amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine)
* Medication withdrawal

Other Known Causes

The following non-exhaustive list of what causes panic attacks is here for your reference.

* Adjustment disorder
* Agoraphobia
* Amphetamine abuse
* Anxiety disorders - certain other types of anxiety disorders can lead to panic attacks:
* Chemical poisoning - Jet Fuel-4
* Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
* Cocaine overdose
* Ecstasy withdrawal
* Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
* Hyperventilation
* Inborn amino acid metabolism disorder
* Marijuana abuse
* Marijuana overdose
* Myoclonic dystonia
* Obsessive-compulsive disorder
* Panic disorder
* Panic disorder with agoraphobia [link]
* Panic disorder without agoraphobia
* Post-traumatic stress disorder
* Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
* Rett's syndrome
* Separation anxiety disorder
* Social phobia (affects over 10 million Americans)
* Specific phobias
* Stress
* Substance-induced anxiety disorder

Medications known to cause Panic Attacks

* Cannabis
* Catovit
* Charas
* Ecstasy
* Hash
* Marijuana
* Mazindol
* Prolintane
* Sanorex

These causes of panic attacks affect over 1 million Americans:

* Agoraphobia
* Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
* Obsessive-compulsive disorder
* Panic disorder
* Post-traumatic stress disorder

If you have a panic disorder, without treatment, you may develop a fear of having panic attacks! This often actually causes a panic attack and the cycle begins. Often, the sufferer of panic will persuade himself/herself so convincingly that they are dying that many feel the need to obtain emergency treatment.


There are many possible causes of your panic attacks, ranging from stress to life changes to substance abuse and side effects of medication. When panic attacks repeat, the sufferer may actually become afraid of having another attack that you will cause one, creating a draining cycle.

By knowing the potential causes of panic and panic attacks, you can better control your situation and your state of mind, helping you head off the situations that cause panic in you.

This article is intended only to provide general information and is not intended as an exhaustive source of information for the topics discussed. This article does not replace your relationship with any health care professional you are consulting with or consult with in the future.

Dan DeLuca, CH, is a Certified Consulting Hypnotherapist, Author, and Coach in the fields of Life-Health Coaching, Motivation and Communication. Since 2005, Dan has been practicing Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, TimeLine Therapy and other life-changing modalities.

He is a member of the Association for Integrative Psychology, The National Guild of Hypnotists, and the American Board of Hypnotherapy.

This Article Copyright (c) Dan DeLuca

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Stop Panic Attacks Immediately-Panic Away Review

by: scott

Panic Attacks, anxiety depression and anxiety disorder are recognized medical conditions. Anxiety relief and cures come in many forms and millions of dollars are spent to treat anxiety and panic symptoms through medications and doctor visits, not to mention all the advertising, etc. spent each year.

Panic attacks happen to people in less frequent episodes or they can experience chronic anxiety disorder. Anxiety attack symptoms include dizziness, nausea, increased and rapid heartbeat, sometimes to the point that sufferers think that they are having a heart attack; most find that their quality of life is seriously affected.

Treatment options include anxiety medication, relaxation techniques and psychotherapy. Have you ever tried a natural means to treat your anxiety attack symptoms? An immediate treatment for anxiety and panic attacks is within grasp; Panic Away by Joe Barry. Joe Barry's treatment program, Panic Away, is a downloadable eBook available immediately on purchase.

Joe Barry is a former sufferer himself, he now teaches people how they can immediately stop their panic attacks and treat anxiety disorders naturally, without the use of anxiety medication. Panic Away helps people that experience frequent panic attacks or have symptoms of anxiety disorder. He has TONS of testimonials at panicanxietyguide! With Panic Away, you will learn a powerful technique called the 'One Move' technique. This technique will reduce anxiety levels to a normal range.

Panic Away provides anxiety cures by teaching sufferers how they can feel calm and safe once more, allowing anxiety disorder sufferers to heal and get on with their lives. Panic Away starts by helping identify the signs of anxiety and panic attacks and their respective treatments.

Joe Barry also trains sufferers how to 'break the fear' associated panic attacks. The 'One Move' Technique is about using your brain power to shift anxiety from the mid-back brain to the fore brain where rational and calm thinking occur.


"Panic Away in my opinion is a very good place to start, it is a fairly easy read and gets pretty much right to the point.

His main point is very simple and almost seems illogical at first but when you think about it, it really makes a lot of sense and you will be able to see why the other things you've been trying probably werent working."

Portion of actual user review on answersyahoo

"The technique has been developed by Joe Barry, a former sufferer of all too frequent panic attacks. He developed a completely natural approach to eliminating 100% of anxiety and panic attacks within minutes. This may seem very hard to believe for someone who may have had this condition for some time but believe me the new information is now available to be free from anxiety. I will reveal the whole technique to you."

Portion of review posted on AmericanChronicle

"It was worth every penny. The One Move technique is truly magical. It worked right away for me. In fact, I rarely experience the background anxiety anymore which had become a big part of my life. It has only taken a couple of weeks to resolve over six months of constantly dealing with this problem."

Portion of actual customer review on PanicAway

Pros: Easy, user-friendly presentation. Experiencing panic attacks himself, the author can really provide the answers you have been looking for anxiety support and relief through natural treatment.

Cons: Not many, other than you need to concentrate on the material and be effective in placing it into use.

Scott Siegrist

For more information, please visit... PanicAway.com

Dealing with Panic Attacks & Anxiety | Zoella

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Medications for Panic Attacks - 5 Common Types

by: Andrew Hunter

You cannot find any shortage of medications for panic attacks. The medicines that remedy the disorder handle the two major periods of the panic attack. First is the anxiousness, and second is the anxiety attack itself.

The first stage-the stress, or the fear which you can experience an attack. It's categorized as "anticipatory anxiety" and this is a considerable part in the swelling to a full-out attack. The prescription drugs in the first stage take care of the physical signs and the bad thinking that generally cause an anxiety attack.

The second stage-the attack and the signs linked with the panic or anxiety attack. Many drugs for this work with each of the two phases separately and others will outcome both simultaneously.

These different types of drugs are well-known medications for panic attacks.

1. Beta Blockers - These include Propranolol and Atenolol. Beta blockers are employed for managing the physical indications you can feel in your body including a racing pulse, and shaking in your hands, legs, or other portions of the body.

2. Tricyclic Antidepressants - Included in this are Desipramine, Doxepin, and Clomipramine. They are commonly used as antidepressants for worry helpful to handle the fear that typically accompanies depressive disorders. They may on the other hand, be employed as medications for panic attacks.

3. Benzodiazepines - These may include Lorazepam, Diazepam, and Oxazepam. Benzodiazepines are widely-used as long-term medication for intensive occurrences and may be utilized for a couple of years. They have already been looked on as really effective in over seventy percent of affected individuals with anxiety disorders. they do not have as many unintended side effects as various other medicationsfor panic attacks, nevertheless they appear to actually bring about tension for a limited percentage of individuals that receive them, this means you ought to use them with intense supervision.

4. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI) - These include Phenelzine and Tranylcypromine. This group of anti-depressants can aid people who are afflicted by anxiety attacks. You are usually prescribed MAOI's in lieu of other medications for panic attacks should you have other sorts of mental or health-related difficulties that may conflict. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors could also get rid of major depression and anxiety attacks at the same time in one simple medicine.

5. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) - These include Fluoxetine and Paroxetine. SSRI's were originally employed for depressive disorders. You'll be aware of them by the name Prozac. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors will help your body keep an appropriate amount of seratonin in the brain, meaning that Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors can also help users handle panic disorders.

It is rather typical for anxiety disorders to be addressed with benzodiazepines in combination with SSRI's in order to stop many signs and symptoms of panic and clinical depression that are related to panic disorders.

What you must acknowledge is the fact that medications for panic attacks will not be a fix to the condition. Prescription drugs only minimize the problems of panic disorders so you are able to start to establish more positive thought patterns and expand a better emotional condition. You cannot stop the condition with medicine, you will only be hiding it, so to speak. The way to combat anxiety attacks is to use medications in conjunction with a good therapy plan.

Andrew Hunter used to struggle with panic and anxiety attacks. After mastering his emotions and retaking control of his life, he enjoys helping others overcome fears and move past personal barriers.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to discover more ways to treat panic and anxiety, also check out http://www.understandingpanicattacks.com/medications-for-panic-attacks/

Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to Cure Panic Attacks is as Natural as Breathing

by: Glenn M Smith

The best course for learning how to cure panic attacks is using natural methods as a cure for panic because it's safer than consuming prescription drugs that produce unwanted side effects. Stress reveals itself in all parts of the world but no matter what starts it, once sufferers learn how to cure panic attacks naturally, they're successful When you study how to cure panic attacks you will agree that the natural treatments are an preferred choice to deal with panic.

Are You Sure It's a Panic Attack?

Although it is simple to learn how to overcome panic attacks the natural way, before going ahead with the treatment, you must seek medical confirmation to rule out other more serious disorders and confirm that you are suffering from panic attacks. Although symptoms can vary, typically a panic attack includes a rapid heart beat, difficulty catching your breath, nausea, vomiting, among other things.

If you are serious about learning how to cure panic attacks then you have to identify the underlying causes of stress and then behave in a way that will put an end to the symptoms. This means attempting to learn to control the way that you breathe, which of course means, that you need to try to radically alter your respiration during a panic attack. It means taking full long breaths and to inhale through the nose and then exhaling from the mouth. And, while doing this you must also try and think of pleasant things.

Stress is never good for a person (at least not abnormal stress) and so you can also learn about how to cure panic attacks by keeping your stress levels under control. One of the best methods to control stress is to not let yourself get too angry. The make up of a panic attack lies in its psychological nature, so you can learn to avoid a panic attack, the natural way, by using self control to keep you calm.

Because panic attacks arise from mental disturbances and not because of imbalances in brain chemistry it is necessary to learn how to cure panic attacks naturally by maintaining the mental aspect rather than thinking that the pathology is to do with chemicals in the brain. With the help of this article on how to cure panic attacks you should be able to avoid the next panic attack and so lead a more normal, happy life.

Glenn M Smith is the author of Lotus Petal, http://lotuspetalbook.com His site http://youranxietypanicattacksgone.com has helpful articles to help panic sufferers overcome this debilitating syndrome. All rights reserved 2009.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Panic Attacks & Anxiety: My Story

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Why Do I Get Panic Attacks?

by: Edward Michaels

Why Do I Get Panic Attacks?

The people that suffer constantly with panic attacks can testify how uncomfortable they are. These attacks start with an occurrence of extreme anxiety which brings on emotional distress and a high level of fear. When these feelings happen they make the person become discombobulated, and in a prime condition to be overwhelmed by all the fear. This can be very debilitating, keeping the person from leading a normal life. This is the reason it is so necessary to fully understand the many attack causes. Often comprehending these attack causes helps the person find a treatment that works.

In some cases the attack causes are due to the person constantly being under stress. Dealing with a lot of difficulty and pressure in professional, family, and personal settings can cause anxiety to be deeply embedded into the person's psyche. Then the seriousness of the situation becomes so bad it brings on major panic attacks after awhile. These environmental factors can be quite disappointing due to the fact that it is not the person's choice to go through them, and it can cause the person to have a disabling psychiatric condition.

Another reason for a person to start having serious attacks is factors in their genetic make up. This means that the person is born with the panic attacks instead of them being caused be external influences. This can be so much more confusing for the person to deal with because they don't really comprehend why they are having the attacks or what to do about them. Many times this situation is due to the amount of serotonin in the person's brain. There are many methods of controlling this condition; anti-anxiety prescribed medications are some of the most used treatments for turning around the debilitating effects that the attacks causes.

Behavioral and lifestyle habits could bring on the panic attacks causes too. The people who drink and eat foods that are laden with caffeine and sugar are setting up the conditions for anxiety to overwhelm them. This in turn causes numerous problems mentally. Over imbibing on energy drinks that stimulate the system can also bring on problems. And when a person uses illegal drugs they can over stimulate themselves into panic attacks causes. Paranoia can be brought on by other drugs too which leads to similar problems. Don't think though that when one stops taking the drugs and any foreign substance that the panic attacks just magically go away. Over time these substances create negative effects which can cause a problem to be ingrained into a person's psyche. This problem is not solved by just stopping the body's exposure to these foreign substances, mainly since serious damage has already happened.

These are just a few of the panic attack causes, it would be hard to list all the reasons this condition happens. The secret is to comprehend the main causes so correct measures can be taken to lower the effect or to get the right treatment for this issue.

For more information from Edward Michaels on what causes panic attacks and additional articles on dealing with anxiety and panic attacks please visit our website at http://www.Panic-Attacks-Help-Center.com

Edward Michaels has spent a large part of his life dealing with panic attacks and learning how to cope with them. His website at: http//:www.Panic-Attacks-Help-Center.com is where he posts other articles and information that you will find very helpful in beating panic attacks and reclaiming your life.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Panic Disorder Symptoms

by: Ian Spencer

It is safe to describe Anxiety disorder as the next stage of GAD because when you suffer from panic disorder you would experience all the symptoms, only on a more acute scale. The difference between GAD and panic disorder is that the former lasts for a long time while the latter is more intense and often causes serious health problems.

The causes of panic disorders are usually external stressors; things that attack your feeling of security and well-being. For example, panic attacks are usually experienced following the death of a spouse, parent or child, loss of job, financial loss and the like. While GAD is widely accepted and willingly treated, panic disorder, which is normally referred to the psychiatric ward is seen as a sign of madness and therefore summarily rejected.

It is therefore very important that you are able to recognize panic disorder when it affects you or anyone you know. It also vital that you understand that suffering from panic disorder does not mean you are crazy. Such condition needs to be immediately checked and treated or it would escalate to serious - sometimes even fatal - health problems.

The telltale symptoms you should be looking out for are:

Chest pain - the pain is acute and sharp, very similar to what you would feel if you had a heart attack. This is why in most cases doctors immediately would refer you to an ECG.

Fainting spells - panic attacks often causes blood drain away from the brain for very brief periods, enough to cause you to faint.

Acute nausea and abdominal pain - a sudden jump in the acid formation in the stomach would cause vomiting and nausea as well as sharp pain in the stomach.

Mental breakdown signs - you would experience a feeling of doom, hopelessness, despair and pessimism. You would feel as if somebody shut all the doors around you and there is nowhere to go anymore.

Phobias and death thoughts - you will find your thoughts gravitating towards morbidity and suddenly you would be too aware of your mortality. Death would look imminent and scary - even though you suffer from no fatal diseases.

Profuse sweating - you would find yourself breaking into a sweat over every small problem you encounter in your daily routine. It would be as if fate (or God) is conspiring against you and everything you touch is turning into dust.

Trembling - very often you would find yourself trembling uncontrollably. Sometimes this would be accompanied by the compulsion to burst into tears or run for cover away from the company of all people

Surreal feeling - gradually, you would feel removed from realty. It would seem to you that you are watching yourself from outside your body; whatever happens to you happens to someone else and you are a helpless spectator.

Take careful note of all these symptoms and if you find four or more in yourself or anyone you know, seek of help seek medical help. Accept the referral to the psychiatric ward because panic disorder affects not only the chemical balance in the body and brain but also the functioning of the mind; the way you think. You need guidance to realign your thoughts side by side with the medication you receive so you could make a fast recovery. Psychiatric help would also help you to cope with the stressors and teach you how to short-circuit their impact on your mind. When addressed promptly, you would be able to make a full recovery within a week or less.

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It'd show you how you can achieve inner calm and eliminate stress from your life forever. For more information on dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and stress. Visit the attack anxiety blog today.

How To Stop Panic Attacks / Anxiety Attacks - Warning: This Will Not Be Easy! (part 1)

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Acupressure to Control Anxiety and Panic Attacks

by: Judi Jones

Natural home remedies are practical ways to keep anxieties and panic attacks under control. In this article, you can discover new ways to attain wellness - ways that are as close to nature as possible.

A lot of people combine conventional means with alternative measures in finding cures to anxieties. This is a good idea. This combination is better known as complementary therapies. A lot of practitioners agree to the benefits that can be derived from this fusion. On the other hand, for the sake of your well-being, it is important to try non-chemical means of overcoming anxiety and panic attacks.

Here is one of the alternative techniques designed specifically to cure anxiety and panic attacks:

Acupressure: As the word suggests, acupressure is an ancient Chinese art of healing similar in many ways to acupuncture. It uses hands (at times other parts of the body like feet and elbow) in applying pressure to specific points of the human body depending on your illness or concern.

This healing technique is completely safe, without side effects, and 100% natural. No medication is required. The results in controling anxiety and panic attacks are effective and instantaneous. And the best part is that it is inexpensive (even free, if you know the fundamentals of acupressure). By mere hand pressure, you can restore or accentuate the flow of energy in the body to activate its own healing process. This energy which is better known as Qi (pronounced “chi”) or Qi Kong is used in turning stagnant energy into free flowing energy in the body. It makes the blood flow smoothly, thereby giving relief to stress, anxiety, and other bodily ailments.

The acupressure techniques discussed here concentrate mainly on controlling stress or anxiety. Alongside, acupressure will likewise provide other benefits to the overall health condition of the body and mind.

Initially practice these procedures (even without feeling anxious) to familiarize yourself. In this way you will be prepared to use the techniques when you are experiencing anxiety or a panic attack. Do not try to bring yourself to a state of anxiety intentionally just to determine improvement levels once these techniques are utilized. Practice them even under normal condition.

General rule: Press firmly but not to the point of experiencing pain or discomfort.

1. Grasp your thumb (either one holding the other) in a firm, earnest, and gentle manner. Continue holding your thumb until your anxieties fade away.

2. Tightly press the spot that is approximately 4 to 4.5 cm from the bottom of your palm, while taking several deep breaths.

3. Intently press the spot where the “third eye” is perceived to be (at the center of your forehead, in the middle of your eyebrows). Then grasp the middle toe. A pressure from top to bottom accelerates the flow of energy down the body, thereby releasing anxiety.

A lot of people affirm the effectiveness of acupressure methods. To some, these techniques may be new and they may feel apprehensive to try them. But the important thing here is that acupressure procedures are natural and externally applied. With no medication to be taken internally, it can be concluded that acupressure methods are completely safe.

Remember, because this technique can cause no harm, but can potentially cause you to relax - there is no down side.

Dr. Judi Jones is a scientist and teacher. Her newest book “Overcoming Panic Attacks” helps individuals find ways of coping with panic attacks. It is unlikely that any “cures” are available, however the book presents ways of living every day to overcome Panic Attacks. go to www.panicattacksovercome.com for more information.